Interview with Anlegg og Marine Service

We at Marine Hybrid Solutions want our customers and stakeholders to get an insight into our company and owners. Through a series of upcoming interviews, you can read about who Marine Hybrid Solutions is, our owners, our employees and our plans going forward. 

In this chapter you will read an interview with Trond Olsen, CEO of Anlegg og Marine Service, majority owner of Marine Hybrid Solutions.

In AMS, we take responsibility for our actions and decisions, and this also applies in relation to MHS. We have chosen to establish this company because we believe that the collaboration will contribute to value creation for all parties involved and not least, the company's customers.

Portrett av Trond Olsen, stort
Trond Olsen, Managing Director of Anlegg og Marine Service

Recruitment and development

First man on deck

Anlegg og Marine Service (AMS) has its primary activity in engine service and is one of Norway's leading suppliers in its field. Through their continuous efforts and aim to be "first man on deck", they have built secure customer relationships over many years.  

The company is, and has always been, a circular economy company that ensures that the resources used last as long as possible. They will continue to develop into the green shift with new products and services that respond to customers' needs for sustainable solutions. 

The strategy behind starting a forward-looking maritime company

The creation of Marine Hybrid Solutions (MHS) represents a strategic milestone for AMS in the direction of a sustainable future within the maritime industry. By joining forces with the German group Baumüller, they have established the basis for offering comprehensive and forward-looking solutions that go beyond the traditional service scope of AMS. Together with andthrough MHS they are dedicated to deliver innovative and tailored solutions that respond to society's, authorities' and customers' increasing demands for low and zero emission technology. 

Marine Hybrid Solutions is no ordinary start-up

MHS differs from ordinary start-up companies by having two experienced industrial players, Baumüller and AMS, as an investor, partner and supplier. MHS has a financial, market-wise and competencebasis which means that they alearned at start-up can offer products and services that are in demand by actors in the maritime sector. Going forward, the company's competent employees will develop new and innovative solutions that are needed and in demand in the maritime industry. 

The choice of the Baumüller group as a partner

In order to be able to offer hybrid low- and zero-emission solutions, had AMS need for a partner with considerable expertise and portfolio within electronics to be able to offer hybrid solutions for energy conversion and propulsion. Baumüller perfectly suited to this role then their products and services are complementary to AMS'. With Baumüller and AMS as owners and partners, Marine Hybrid Solutions can safely offer comprehensive and advanced solutions that meet the increasingly demanding needs of the maritime market. 

The safety and future of Marine Hybrid Solutions

In AMS, responsibility is taken for actions and decisions, and this also applies in relation to MHS. They have chosen to establish this company because they believe that the collaboration will contribute to value creation for all parties involved and not least, the company's customers. They will actively participate at strategic and operational level through close dialogue for the development of products, services and deliveries. 


MHS represents a significant investment and venture for AMS and is a key element in their strategy for the future. In the years to come, MHS will develop into a leading and important supplier of innovative and reliable hybrid low- and zero-emission solutions for energy conversion, energy distribution and storage and vessel propulsion. 


Further Reading

Sommerstudentene Nea Kujala og Selma Femtehjell

Sommerjobb med stor verdi

For å skape tjenester for rederier og verft må vi ha grundig kunnskap om hvilke krav og regler de står overfor. Denne sommeren skal våre dyktige sommerstudenter hjelpe oss med akkurat dette.

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Thomas Scholz

Interview with Baumüller

Read our interview with Baumüller, a leader in electric automation and drive systems. With around 2,000 employees worldwide, they develop intelligent solutions for machine manufacturing and e-mobility, including maritime applications.

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Portrett av ansatte

Intervju med våre ansatte

Vi i Marine Hybrid Solutions (MHS) har gleden av å dele et intervju med våre ansatte. Hva motiverer dem? Hvordan opplever de arbeidshverdagen? Er MHS så fleksible og innovative som vi påstår å være?

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