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Marine Hybrid Solutions: Powering Maritime Innovation with Industry Leaders

Marine Hybrid Solutions (MHS) is a start-up company focused on the maritime industry. Created in collaboration with Anlegg og Marine Service (AMS), Baumüller Anlagen-Systemtechnik GbmH & Co.KG and Nogva Holding, Marine Hybrid Solutions (MHS) aims to contribute to the green transition by developing and delivering integrated, user-friendly, efficient, environmentally friendly, and secure energy, power, automation, and data solutions for the maritime industry.

A group picture of CEO Børge Nogva with representatives from Anlegg og Marine Service and Baumüller Anlagen-Systemtechnik GbmH & Co.

Leading the way of Marine Technology

The objective behind initiating Marine Hybrid Solutions is to create a digital platform that ensures maritime operations’ safety and provides necessary insights, reporting, and data usage for shipowners and other stakeholders onshore. Cloud solutions will enable the extraction of more data to provide more and better information. Artificial intelligence and machine learning will be integrated into the company’s deliveries to achieve goals of safer and more environmentally friendly operations, among other objectives.

The company’s solutions for hybrid and electric propulsion systems will utilize technology and products from both the investors and other suppliers in the supply chain. Future ships will employ multiple energy sources, such as batteries, alternative fuels, solar cells, wind turbines, and engines running on alternative fuels.

Marine Hybrid Solutions aims to bring new and improved solutions to the market to meet the increasingly stringent requirements for ship operations. With a comprehensive digital platform for relevant ship data, functionalities will be developed to make ship operations more efficient and «greener.» The solutions will address challenges related to data security and safe operations by developing new functionalities that span multiple onboard systems.

Two electric technicians standing in a ship control room, AI generated image

Anlegg og Marine Service

AMS, holding a majority position in MHS, is a supplier and service company specializing in diesel engines for both the maritime and oil & gas markets. The company, with over 40 years of expertise, represents major marine engine manufacturers such as Caterpillar, Cummins, Yanmar, MTU, Detroit Diesel, and Volvo Penta. By developing a strategy aligned with the green shift in the maritime sector and focusing on the benefits of the circular economy, the company will contribute low- and zero-emission technology and products.

Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH

Based in Nuremberg, Baumüller is a leading manufacturer of electric automation and drive systems. At production sites in Germany, the Czech Republic, Slovenia and China as well as in over 40 branches worldwide, around 2,000 employees develop and produce intelligent system solutions for machine manufacturing and e-mobility. In addition, the range of services offered by the Baumüller Group includes engineering, assembly and industrial relocation as well as services, thus covering all aspects of life cycle management.

Baumüller Anlagen-Systemtechnik GmbH & Co. KG was founded in 1987 and is the system house of the Baumüller Group. The experts for electric drive and automation technology successfully implement their systems in numerous areas of mobile drive technology. With its wide range of services from motors, converters and control systems to charging systems, the BAS-PCS power management system and the BAS-Link DC-Grid power distribution platform, diagnostic software and the battery management system, Baumüller Anlagen-Systemtechnik offers attractive and efficient alternatives to classic ship propulsion. This paves the way for realistic solutions in the field of smart shipping and also offers a wide range of marine services.

Further reading

Energi til Kraft

Fleksibilitet, innovasjon og pålitelighet 
for en bærekraftig fremtid til sjøs

Sømløst integrerte skipsløsninger

Marine Hybrid Solutions jobber med å utvikle framtidens skipssystemer. For å få fullt utbytte av Big Data i shipping, må systemene ombord være mer integrerte og ha strukturerte data, uansett hvilke systemer de kommer fra. Vår visjon er at alle data ombord i skip kan nås både fra systemer ombord og også fra land.

Fiskebåt i den blå time
An AI generated image of a man in a ship machine room holding a tablet

Er du en erfaren automasjonsingeniør som vil være med fra start?

Bli med på å forme fremtiden i Marine Hybrid Solutions! Vi leter etter personer som ønsker å være med på å utvikle nye løsninger for shipping. Hvis du har erfaring fra den maritime bransjen og deler vår visjon om å løse komplekse utfordringer på skip samtidig som vi fremmer bærekraftig drift for ansatte, kunder og miljøet, er vi det rette stedet for deg! 

An AI generated image of a boat at sea with strobing lights surrounding the boat

Vår Visjon

Lær mer om vår visjon for framtidens maritime teknologi.
I tiden framover skal vi utforske og utvikle teknologi for optimalisering innen automasjon, skytjenester og hybridisering.

Våre Verdier

Les om våre verdier og hvordan vi ønsker å positivt bidra til den grønne utviklingen av den maritime bransjen gjennom våre produkter, løsninger og tjenester. 

An AI generated image of a control room in a ship
A group picture of CEO Børge Nogva with representatives from Anlegg og Marine Service and Baumüller Anlagen-Systemtechnik GbmH & Co.

Marine Hybrid Solutions

Lær mer om individene og organisasjonene som står bak Marine Hybrid Solutions, drevet av omfattende erfaring og et sterkt engasjement for teknologisk utvikling innen den maritime sektoren.

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